
Faculty Research

Mission Statement

Scholars in the Duke Kunshan Language and Culture Center conduct interdisciplinary research in Applied Linguistics, Creative Writing, Education, Intercultural Communication, Linguistics, Literature, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL), Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), and Writing Studies.

Recent Publications

Journal Articles

Snow, Don, & Liu, Jiajia Eve. (2023). The language of Chaozhou songbooks. Global Chinese 9(1), 49-68.

In the pre-modern era, women in the Chaoshan region of southeastern China had a tradition of learning and performing long narrative songs. From the mid-1800s into the mid-1900s these songs were widely produced by local publishing houses in inexpensive woodblock print books called Teochew songbooks (Chaozhou gece 潮州歌册).

Cover of Global Chinese