Welcome to the LCC
The Language and Culture Center (LCC) is the academic division in Duke Kunshan University responsible for offering language courses, especially courses in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), Chinese as a Second Language (CSL), and Additional Language courses. The LCC also offers advanced courses in written and oral communication skills, and independent study courses for learning additional languages.

During this session, the speakers from Duke Chinese Program will provide an overview of the program, including the courses they offer and details about the textbooks. They will also discuss their initiatives in community-based learning and introduce their interdisciplinary curriculum development efforts, including CLAC courses, followed by a 15-20 minutes Q&A at the end. This workshop will be in […]

Guest Lecture Details: Following the growing interest in the sociopolitical dimensions of second language teacher emotions (e.g., De Costa et al. 2019; Gkonou & Miller, 2022) and teacher well being (e.g., Mercer, 2020, 2021), I examine developments in these adjacent areas of research. Both lines of research consider the ecologies in which teachers are embedded. […]

This Friday from 12 to 1:30 PM, the students in Chinese 412 Chinese Across the Curriculum will present their research projects in Chinese to the DKU community. ?️Presenters: 马毅森 (Ethan Mills): 代际视角下中国公众对中医态度的探索秋玫瑰 (Christine Herbst): 贸易战以来中美贸易关系的演变与未来展望邱晓祈 (Emily Khoo): 孤独症儿童社交发展之同伴与兄弟姐妹介入法刘智诚 (Charles Liu): 双碳背景下新能源汽车产业现状与挑战

Inaugural Chinese Theater Night: A Celebration of Language, Culture, and Creativity
On the evening of November 20, 2024, the Language and Culture Center (LCC) at Duke Kunshan University hosted the inaugural “Chinese Theater Night” at the Performance Café. The event featured three short plays and an original Chinese song, drawing an audience of approximately 150 people, including students, faculty, staff, and

Student Report on Forum and Exhibition on Multimodality in Multilingual and Intercultural Education
Student Report on Forum and Exhibition on Multimodality in Multilingual and Intercultural Education Author: Delfin Kaplan On November 1st, 2024, Dr. Xin Zhang, assistant professor of Chinese and Intercultural Communication from the Langauge and Culture Center at Duke Kunshan University(DKU), and Dr. Peiru Tong, associate professor of International Education at Wuhan

LCC 2025 Conference Call for Proposals
The Language and Culture Center (LCC) at Duke Kunshan University invites you to submit proposals to the LCC 2025 conference Think Globally, Act Locally: How We Engage Languages and Cultures Conference Date: February 21, 2025 Submission of Deadline (extended): December 15, 2024 How can we teach languages and cultures in a