Guest Lecture Details:
Following the growing interest in the sociopolitical dimensions of second language teacher emotions (e.g., De Costa et al. 2019; Gkonou & Miller, 2022) and teacher well being (e.g., Mercer, 2020, 2021), I examine developments in these adjacent areas of research. Both lines of research consider the ecologies in which teachers are embedded. To illustrate the vibrant and burgeoning L2 teacher emotion research agenda, I draw on recent examples in the broader applied linguistics and second language teacher education (SLTE) research. In particular, I explore how the SLTE research landscape can be enriched by a systematic investigation of teacher emotion labor (Benesch, 2017) and feeling rules (Zembylas, 2007), with a view to advocate for language teaching professionals.
This event opens to the DKU community only.